Friday, August 27, 2010


it's another friday already, can you believe it?! i gotta say, this week started out awful! i had a really supremely bad monday, but i took tuesday and wednesday off from life and felt like a brand new woman! not to mention having a lot of fun on my birthday. so all in all, this week was not too shabby.

here are all the little things i'm thankful for this week:

* inspiration
* yoga
* body + soul magazine {or 'whole living' as it's now called}
* the way warm sand contours to your body when lying on the beach {and how it feels between your toes}
* the immediate 'your my new friend' attitude of strangers
* making it home from the beach in a breaking down car
* receiving fun packages in the mail {with handwritten addresses!}
* all the many ways in which dannon can make me laugh
* passion tea lemonade
* the way my bathing suits fit me SO much better now than when i bought them in the spring
* arcade fire's new album 'suburbs' {ridiculously good!}
* having plans come together with all our wedding stuff
* checking big items off my list {woo-hoo!}
and of course...
* kittens! we got to play with these two adorable kitties for a night while our friends were out of town. is there anything more fun than a couple of kittens? maybe a whole box full of kittens, but that's about it!

what are you grateful for this week?