Friday, August 6, 2010

Reasons why blogging is a pain in the ass

Recently, the entity known as Castor (that link be for the most recent post) has been hosting a '31 Days of Blogging' thing, so as to improve all of our traffic and whatnot. It's informative and interesting, yes, but I wonder, what makes you think I want more traffic anyway? That just means I have to write more. So:

1) I over analyze every movie I go to see
Panicking if I don't have any immediately-eloquent opinions on any one film, over thinking every trope used, eye twitched, cliche whispered.

2) I over analyze every post I write
Is this review not clever enough? Funny enough? Informative enough? Smart enough? Goddammit, there's so much pressure in having people be able to read a post the minute it comes up, they'll be criticizing your criticism, it's terribly frustrating.

3) There are so many rules
You have to have a picture on each post. Everything must have a point to it. You have to respond to every comment (which I don't mind, unless the comments are two-wrd 'good job' deals, in which case, gah), link every reference, have a nice and creative template, even though I'm limited to whatever free blogger templates I can find on Google and, besides, I like my template. You have to pick a topic and commit, god forbid I want to write about, say, the latest Jonathan Lethem novel (seriously, go read Chronic City, it's trippy), or write a 1000-word essay on why The Smiths are absurdly awesome, or a five-sentence Dear John letter to SNL. WHy can't I have a movie-centric, pop-culture general blog, anyways? And why must I tag everything? Why does everyone care so much?

4) Comments make me nervous

5) I'm up to all hours going through my Dashboard
Maybe I shouldn't subscribe to so many.

6) So. Many. Podcasts.
Seriously, am I the only one who likes the fact that blogging is strictly reading? And that podcasts defeat the purpose? I mean, some of you dudes make some really interesting podcasts, but damn, it's all at the same time!

7) You have to be coherent
Tell me, does one word of this list make any damn sense to you? It doesn't make half-sense to me!

8) We all have to like the same general movies
Vertigo did nothing for me. What are you gonna do about it?

9) There's always pressure to make link-worthy posts
Specifically, list posts, insightful posts, witty posts. I'm not any of the latter, and this is hardly a list, more like a semi-organized rant. ...

10) Everybody reviews the same movie at the same time
When it's new, anyway. I can only handle so many Predators write ups a day!

11) Commenting on every post you read
Sure, you don't have to. But fuck it, you kind of do.

12) Seeing movies because everyone says they're genius, even if you really don't want to
Saving Private Ryan looks depressing, alright?

13) Losing followers
Am I that grotesque?

14) Lists must be an even number

Have a nice day.