Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thoughts on $9.99

-The bizarre going-ons of the tenants of an Australian apartment building, centered around unemployed, 28-year-old Dave Peck, and his quest to find the meaning of life.

-I've read screenwriter Etgar Keret's short story collection, The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God and Other Short Stories. They were strange, rather clipped, almost in the style of fables, and they were kind of beautiful, but surreal in the weirdest way. Then again, some things might've been lost in translation. Anyway, the novella within the collection, Kneller's Happy Campers, was adapted into Wristcutters: A Love Story, which is lovely.

-Anyway. I mention this because several of the plots within this film parallel the stories in The Bus Driver.... The little boy who wanted an action figure, but could only get it once he filled his piggy bank to the top, then grows so attached to it he can't bear to smash it open, and sets it out into the wild. For example. Ones that aren't taken from a previous story are so similarly told, screaming of Keret and his strange logic, like the supermodel who's boyfriends go through bone removal surgery out of love for her.

-I didn't like the animation, okay? It was grotesque and rather ugly.

-Lovely film, anyway.